Disability Accommodation Provider

NDIS Specialist Disability Accommodation Provider in Melbourne

At Auslife Care, we’re all about creating inclusive and supportive living environments for NDIS participants. Our mission is to empower our participants to live independently and enhance their overall quality of life. Finding suitable SDA accommodation is essential, and we’re here to make it happen.

What is NDIS Specialist Disability Accommodation?

NDIS SDA accommodation refers to housing designed for individuals with significant disabilities. These homes have essential features and modifications to promote accessibility, safety, and independence. Such accommodations are funded through NDIS. It aims to support individuals in achieving their goals and living fulfilling lives.

Different Levels of NDIS Specialist Disability Accommodation

We offer various levels of NDIS SDA accommodation to cater to the specific needs of participants. This ensures that they have a comfortable and supportive living environment that meets their requirements. The levels are classified into the categories below.

  • Improved Livability : The disability housing has modifications that enhance an individual’s ability to carry out daily activities independently. This includes bathing, cooking, and accessing common areas.
  • Fully Accessible : This category is for wheelchair-bound participants. It features accessible entryways, bathrooms, and living spaces. There is greater ease of mobility for individuals with physical disabilities.
  • Robust : For individuals with challenging behaviours or complex support needs, robust accommodations would be a great option. These NDIS housings have specialised design modifications that promote safety and minimise the risk of harm.
  • High Supports : Individuals with significant functional impairments requiring increased support would benefit from high support accommodations. These homes have assistive technology and support staff 24/7 to ensure a safe and nurturing environment.

How is the Funding Allocated for NDIS-SDA Used?

The funding for this program is allocated through the NDIS plan. It covers the costs of the accommodations’ construction, maintenance, and ongoing support. This way, participants can access suitable housing options that align with their needs and goals.

Who Is Eligible for Specialist Disability Accommodation NDIS?

Eligibility for SDA-NDIS is determined through an assessment process. Certain criteria must be met to qualify for this specialised accommodation. The eligibility requirements include:

  • Being an NDIS participant with SDA funding included in their plan
  • Having a permanent, significant functional impairment or very high support needs
  • Requiring the specific design features and/or technology offered by SDA to their needs

How Do I Apply for SDA Housing?

Applying for SDA involves the following steps:

  1. Contact Auslife Care: Contact us on 03 9221 9232 to discuss your housing needs and determine your eligibility for SDA.
  2. Assessment: The NDIS will assess your eligibility for SDA based on the nature and extent of your disability-related needs. This assessment will help determine the level of funding required for your accommodation.
  3. NDIS Plan: If deemed eligible, your NDIS plan will include SDA funding. It will cover the costs associated with your chosen SDA housing option.
  4. Choosing Accommodation: Our team works closely with you to select the most suitable housing for people with disabilities that aligns with your preferences and needs.
  5. Transition and Support: Once you have arranged a place to stay, our support workers will help you settle in. They will also provide continuing assistance to feel safe and secure.

Specialist Disability Accommodation Across Melbourne

At Auslife Care, we are committed to empowering individuals with permanent disabilities to live independently. Our range of NDIS Specialist Disability Accommodation options in Melbourne provides safe and supportive housing for disabled adults. Feel free to call us on 03 9099 0092 or email us at info@auslifecare.com.au for more information.

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